
ALL Evening Premiership

After half a season now played the All Evening Premiership is as close as ever. 9 teams with just 8 points difference are struggeling to get their form back on track. Last year champion, Miguel Delgados Just4fun FC are currently sitting at the to of the table after 21 games played and 41 points. During Just4fun FCs season, their manager decided to sell his star forward LiƩdson to Bukgarian team for 800.000$. This opened up for other teams in the Premier. At the moment Just promoted Tranmere Rovers are 2nd, 3 points behind with same amount of matches played.
I can´t see that the Rovers will eventually have any chances winning the Premiership this season after losing out of star DC Petri Pasanen and young striker David N´Gog and the team has yet to fill up their places. Talking to the manager and I quote -"At the moment Im gonna play with what i got and hope for the best. Money is not growing on trees at the Rovers"

Third at the table with 24 matches played is Sudoko FC. Charles George´s team had a great last season, winning the All Evening Cup and got promoted after winning the D1C division. So far this season Sudoko Fcs well oiled machine, playing a classic narrow chrismas tree havent got up to its normal standard, but with a lot of games still to be played I would bet my money that Sudoko FC will find themself if not top of the table, but close to it. Players like Gareth Barry and Michael Johnson is a very attractive midfield, hard working and strong to cope with, so Im sure Sudoko FC will not let their supporters down.

From 4th to 9th there are just 5 points difference between Akuru Milan FC that are 4th and Cereal Killers that at the moment are 9th.

At 6th and 7th we find two teams that well may win this. 2 great teams Gospodari Svemira and Cairneyhill FC that just shaddows the top 3. 2 Top ranked teams that have struggled a bit in form, but if they start performing they would be challenging Just4fun FC for the title this year.

Its gonna be an exciting end of this Premiership and if I would put my bet on anyone it might be the Champion holders Just4fun FC, but with teams like Sudoko FC and Gospodari and Cairneyhill just behind, this will turn out to be a real thriller!

Stay tuned for more exciting news from the Miller Gameworld as we soon come to the end of season 3. The Silly Season will soon start and which team will do the biggest transfers? Rumours will spread and we will see both happy and angry managers take on the market in their own way!


  1. AEFA Premiership race is really close indeed. Come on Jocke! You can do it!

  2. hehe! Hope I can play clever, at the momewnt Im leading it :-)
