
GW Miller Topic of the Week for 4/19

As several have reported, a bug has been found where tactics points have been refunded a second time. This is a perfect time to start the GW Miller Topic of the Week! It's an ethical question, so whether you're gonna play it honest and not use your points, or if you're going to be a cheating bastard and exploit the bug to get more skills, I wanna hear from you!

Have you gotten greedy and spent your second batch of refunded points?

I'll give you my take: I held the temptation off for nearly 2 hours. Could not hold on any longer. Used the bonus points. I hope this bug is fixed and they can properly punish all the users who did use them. Maybe a skill embargo of a few days as punishment. That, or a cash fine. I'll gladly pay it.

I want all answers via in-game Mail due in by April 23rd. I will then take the best three responses and post them the next night. Those three will be eligible to beat my reserves in a non-friendly game whenever they want.

Send your responses in now!

Until we meet again, god bless all the little children in the world. Thank you.


  1. I think everybody should use these skills :)

  2. yes, and we are waiting for more :D

  3. I am one of the "cheating bastards" too :(

    I did manage to wait a few days ... but the lure of new skills was just too much :P

  4. I think all of us were the cheating bastards :D
